HPV, Estrogen Toxicity and Successful Natural Health Management


Hello, I am Julie Donaldson and I am a clinical nutritionist with functional medicine training. I specialize in restoring balance in complex, chronic and acute health conditions. I welcome you to peruse other articles that may be of interest to you in your health investigation!

“I sought Julie's help when I had inoperable, advanced cervical cancer. I found her to be both knowledgeable and experienced. Her ability to run medical tests and then to target specific issues combined with her intuition is nothing short of miraculous. With Julie's help, I was able to reverse my condition in a totally natural way. Julie is dedicated and caring and truly wants to help people with their health. I now work as a cancer consultant and refer clients to her as I know first hand that her methods work!”

- Ramona, New York

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HPV cells

Human papillomavirus (HPV) has become a widespread condition with approximately 45% of women aged 18-59 and 25% of men in the same age range having a positive diagnosis at some point. It is also a hotly debated topic in the world of medicine, especially in teen health. As with many things, my position on the virus and its successful management may also be hotly debated, as any time we are weighing the risks vs. the benefits of vaccination, there are many questions to be asked. The complexity and sensitivity of educating our young people about healthy sexual behaviors is a common challenge for many parents, as is proper education on overall health and disease prevention. In this article, we will explore HPV and its connections with estrogen toxicity, semen and oral contraceptives, as well as topics of investigation around holistic health and natural health management.

How does HPV develop?

For cervical carcinogenesis, steroid hormones (estrogens and progesterone) play a role in the initiation and development of progression of the disease. Women who take estradiol have been reported to develop HSIL lesions that ultimately lead to the progressive one. Estrogen affects the immune response as well. A 2015 study showed that estrogen was a major culprit in cervical cancer. The group conducted microscopic analysis of the samples for further insights. Here, they observed that while estrogen receptor was absent in the cancer cells, it was prevalent and in many cases increased in the so-called tumor microenvironment -- the area around the tumor that helps it grow. Both cervical and foreskin cells immortalized with HPV‐16 are greatly enhanced in the 16αa‐hydroxylation of estradiol as compared with normal cells. 

Keeping in view the association between HPV and cervical cancer, early age is thought to be a primary factor in HPV infection. Its probability increases with the number of sexual partners at any time in a person's life. Epidemiological data shows that both endogenous (occurring naturally in the body) and exogenous (occurring through medication) sex hormones also make women more prone to developing cervical cancer in combination with HPV infection. 

The risk factor for cervical cancer also increases with the increased use of oral contraceptives (medications taken by mouth for the purpose of birth control). Women who have used oral contraceptives for more than 5 years have a 3-fold increase in the development of cervical cancer over those who do not use oral contraceptives.

Human semen is also considered as the major biological basis in sexual behavior that enhances HPV infection and cervical cancer. Chronic inflammation of the cervix is due to local cellular and molecular changes that are reported to be triggered by multiple exposures to semen. Human semen also interacts with cervical epithelial lining and cells which ultimately affects the synthesis of cytokines/chemokines which are involved in the immune response. The most prominent prostaglandin, PGE2, which is present in semen, plays the role of a common inflammatory mediator. These prostaglandins are detected in 10,000-fold higher concentration at the site of inflammation. Up-regulated PGE2 is considered to be the most favorable possible promoter of cervical carcinogenesis. Several studies showed that smoker's semen is concentrated with tobacco-related carcinogens and plays a role in causing cervical carcinogenesis. Birth control procedures such as tubal ligation and Intrauterine devices have been shown to cause nearly 80% of cervical cancer, particularly in developing countries.

What are the options for natural health management?

In this video presentation I provide incredibly valuable information on both male and female reproductive health. While focused on the topic of fertility, the information provided is critical for anyone who is becoming sexually active. Information about toxins and pathogens in the female womb as well as in the gonad cells outside the sexual organs and how they affect both partners’ bodies is all very relevant to a newly active teen.

While touted as safe and effective for the eradication of HPV, the Gardasil vaccine is just as risky as any other vaccine for an individual with particular vulnerability. The main problem is that at the time of vaccination, most people do not know the status of their immune systems, their toxicity levels, and their body’s ability to handle a one-size-fits-all dose. This pertains in the case of associated transverse myelitis, which is rare but has been linked. However, such as in the case of a young girl named Kaitlyn Armstrong, there are known risk factors which are ignored. Before each of the three shots, a public health nurse asked Kaitlyn if she had any allergies. Each time, Kaitlyn responded, “Yes, I am allergic to metal,” and the nurses said nothing in response and then gave the shot. (Since Kaitlyn’s infancy, metal, such as the snaps on an infant’s onesie, would cause rashes on her skin, she and her mother said.) Kaitlyn says neither the school nor the nurses told her that one of the ingredients of the vaccine is aluminum.) Kaitlyn experienced debilitation and severe chronic pain in the aftermath of her vaccinations. Merck, the company that makes Gardasil, did not comment on Armstrong’s case but said “if a patient has a hypersensitivity to any ingredient . . . then Gardasil would be contraindicated for that patient.” This would require that the attendant administering the shot paid attention and responded to information about sensitivity! It is absolutely imperative, in my opinion, to look behind the curtain at one’s health status and risk factors prior to accepting vaccinations.

HPV, like many viruses, can be handled safely and naturally when detected early. Investigations into the status of one’s immune system, especially balances of Th1 and Th2 cells, must be undertaken. Foundational strengthening of nutrition and homeostatic mechanisms are also important, as they are in any pathogenic process in the body. Both internal and topical therapies are required and might include some of the following substances:

  • black seed oil

  • Th1 and Th2 supports

  • ozonated oil

  • CBD

  • proteolytic enzymes

  • monolaurin

  • agrimony

As always, carefully constructed support with a trusted professional is advised, as is medical monitoring of the virus. There are very few symptoms, unfortunately, of the virus. Therefore, regular testing is advised. Genital, common and plantar warts as well as throat pain/burning can be warning signs of an infection and should not be ignored.

Contact me at Julie@truenaturehealthconsulting.com to discuss your holistic health care needs. We provide holistic telehealth services.