Holistic Health Care: Why Is It Important?

When most people hear about holistic health care, the focus is usually on alternative medicines. This is, indeed, part of the practice - but when working with a holistic healing coach, the focus is much broader and considers the whole body and mind. This includes a variety of factors, ranging from the specific health problems you currently face as well as lifestyle, life history and environment. A true holistic healing coach will look at all factors that could influence your health rather than just your physical symptoms. The meaning of holistic is: “characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole”. When you are healing, the intimate interconnectedness and wholeness are key to success.

So, how does holistic healing work, and what can it do for you?

Get To The Root Of The Problem

Taking a holistic approach is essential for finding the root cause of health problems. Traditional medicine (and even integrative medicine in many cases) may consider a list of symptoms and prescribe medication to treat them. But the actual causes of symptoms often remain unidentified. As in nature, root causes of disturbance and the health of the root system are vital to healing.

In conventional medical practice, there is an accepted preference for the simplest explanation in conducting a diagnostic workup. The ”best” diagnosis is the single diagnosis that explains all the parts of the case presentation. And once that single diagnosis has been made (or smallest possible list of diagnoses), the patient is treated using the protocols that match the diagnostic name(s). But this often yields suboptimal results in the care of patients with chronic illness. A medication or other treatment factor that is suitable for one diagnosis can create unwanted subclinical effects for the person. More commonly, the inclination to stop searching can yield errors of omission, when the clinician misses important information that a deeper search would uncover.
The inclination to favor the single diagnosis that accounts for all the presenting factors in the case is called “Occam’s Razor”. It dates back to the 14th century philosopher William of Occam, who said that the theory which requires the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct.

In contrast to this approach, a holistic health practitioner takes the time to understand your body and investigate the essential causes. For example, if you visit a traditional doctor for your struggle with gut dysfunction, the doctor may diagnose you with IBS and prescribe medication to control pain and flares. On the other hand, a holistic healing coach takes into account all of your concerns and analyzes them alongside each other, allowing for intersections in body functions, toxicity, nutrition and mental/emotional stresses. Holistic practitioners look at the whole of your life and work to connect all the dots rather than using an allopathic approach to your disease.IBS can be caused by multiple individual factors, from poor microbiome status to wrong nutrient intake for the individual, poor methylation and toxin overload, and chronic or acute mental/emotional stress that creates a change in biochemistry. Poor Vagus nerve function as well as immune incidents of all kinds that do not resolve can also be problematic. The goal is to address any and all layers of dysfunction in a healthy, long-term manner with personalized solutions.

Experience Personalized Health Care

Almost every one of us (myself included) has had the experience of a medical diagnosis and treatment that failed to heal a condition and may well have allowed other to develop. This is the unfortunate common truth of conventional approaches, and when the causes are undetermined, the inflammatory processes that caused an issue will often continue to spread and create more disease. (This is the absolute reality of autoimmune disease.)

With holistic health services, you receive a plan for your health care that is individualized for your needs. Unlike most conventional health care, holistic health care packages are built around you. With this, connections can be made between various factors that create layers of stress, potentially resulting in disease.

You also receive personalized nutrition and other services that are customized specifically for you. Two people can take part in holistic health programs and receive completely different protocols - it’s all about the individual. 

Programs For A Wide Range Of Problems

Holistic health is also important because it offers programs for a wide range of problems. A typical package can help with some of the following common issues: 

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Leaky gut and gut dysfunction

  • Brain and immune inflammation

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Thyroid and adrenal dysfunction

  • Poor detoxification

  • Improper nutrition for individual needs

Addressing all of the various individual problems can help you repair an over-arching health concern. As a result, you are likely to see better and long-lasting results. Also referred to as functional medicine, holistic health care and its benefits were highlighted earlier this year on the TODAY show.

An Accessible Health Care Option

Lastly, holistic health care is essential because it gives you an accessible route to high-quality health care. You won’t need health insurance to utilize holistic health services like you do with more expensive traditional health care services. When compared to the cost of traditional health care without insurance, it is far more effective to invest in a personalized health care option that’s in alignment with your mind, body, and values. Holistic health care is also very frequently utilized side-by-side with conventional medical care and can help alleviate symptoms and make conventional care more effective.

When your process is guided by an expert with the right investigations, this investment pays back for the rest of your life. A true holistic health care approach teaches awareness and intuition that become a part of you forever.

Contact True Nature Health Consulting For Holistic Health and Telehealth Services

Are you interested in holistic health care services? Get in touch with True Nature Health Consulting today to get started. We have a range of packages available, including holistic telehealth for remote consultations. Digital health care that is tailored to your needs is the future of effective health care. You can learn more about us here and contact our team to begin your journey to better health. 

“Julie Donaldson is the most knowledgable and compassionate holistic health care provider I have ever met. I would say I got lucky to find her…but really, I found her because I Googled 3 conditions I was having all at the same time and one of her articles dealt with all of them! If you don’t know how uncommon this is, i can tell you from personal experience that it is. Treat yourself to a whole new life…you are worth it and so is she!” - Madison L., South Caroline