Oxalates, Sulfates, and Balances in Methylation and Gut Function

How could something as beautiful as a raspberry be bad for you? Many foods high in oxalates are considered necessary for holistic health. Oxalates - are they pesky? and what do they have to do with gut health, sulfates, methylation and immunity? Let’s dive in.

What Are Oxalates?

Oxalates are a naturally occurring compound in plant foods. - spinach, grains, nuts, nut butters and milks, soybeans, navy beans, raspberries, chocolate, and potatoes (sweet and regular) have the highest quantities of oxalates. These foods also contain many beneficial nutrients, so where does the problem come in?

Oxalate is also formed as an unfortunate byproduct of the metabolism of glyoxylate and ascorbate. Oxalates bind quite naturally to other compounds, including minerals and metal ions. If they are not readily passed through the digestive system (which is supposed to be the case), they can bind with these materials in the bloodstream and be bothersome to the kidneys (in the form of stones), as well as to bones and to the brain. If they bind to heavy metals and deposit in other areas of the body, this can produce deleterious effects. They can also cause numerous IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms such as gas, diarrhea and constipation. Much more needs to be discovered about their function, inclusive of benefits and challenges. But here, we will talk about what is currently known and understood to be problematic.

Oxalates and Displacement of Sulfates

Sulfates are a necessary nutrient in the body. They are primarily made from the amino acids taurine, cysteine and methionine. They are present in meats, eggs, dairy, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions and leeks. Sulfate is an essential nutrient that must be properly balanced in methylation, and we cannot survive without it. Sulfate helps to seal leaky gut, strengthens our bones, ligaments and tendons and is required for phase II detoxification of toxins, hormone metabolites and heavy metals.

One of the main reasons that oxalates become problematic is that for every oxalate molecule we gain through absorption, a molecule of sulfate will be lost. This happens because oxalates and sulfates use the same transporter. On the surfaces of the cells of the gut, liver and kidneys exists a cellular transporter called the Sat1 transport protein.  Its job is to exchange one molecule of oxalate for one molecule of sulfate. It is just like a revolving door that constantly pushes sulfate out in exchange for every oxalate molecule coming in. This Sat1 transporter is the reason why we lose sulfate into the urine when our oxalate levels rise. If our guts are in a state of dysbiosis and/or the gallbladder is not working properly, the Krebs cycle will produce oxalates rather than glycine as an end product. Too many oxalates will reach the colon rather than being broken down into helpful compounds. In the colon, the oxalate is floating around and it bumps into the gut wall. On the wall of the colon lives the Sat1 transporter. And what does the transporter do? it grabs that oxalate and drags it into the bloodstream while at the same time pumping out a sulfate molecule.

So, what is the problem with the loss of sulfates? They are absolutely necessary for detoxification. Sulfate is essential to a number of methylation cycles, particularly the CBS pathway. CBS occupies a pivotal position in sulfur metabolism at the homocysteine junction, where the decision to conserve methionine or to convert it to cysteine via the transsulfuration pathway is made. Methionine is converted to SAM, SAH, homocysteine and then cysteine. Cysteine, alongside glutamine and glycine, is then used to produce the intracellular antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is the body’s #1 self-producing antioxidant and is required for the removal of metals and toxic compounds through the phases of methylation.

Sulfation is used to conjugate toxins with sulfur-containing compounds. The sulfation system is important for detoxifying industrial and environmental chemicals, some pharmaceuticals, steroids, food additives, and endotoxins from intestinal bacteria. Sulfation is also used to detoxify some biochemicals and is the main pathway for the elimination of catecholamine neurotransmitters, steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, and glucocorticoid hormones, as well as conjugated bile acids. Since sulfation is also the primary route for the elimination of neurotransmitters, dysfunction in this system may contribute to the development of some nervous system disorders.

Oxalates also accumulate in the face of a vitamin B6 deficiency in the body. B6 is a key component in other methylation pathways such as MTHFR, and its input in the Krebs cycle is necessary in order to convert glycoxalic acid into glycine rather than oxalates. Those with over and undermethylation patterns ware frequently deficient in viitamin B6.

Sulfation is also critical for the detoxification of xenobiotics and phenols. In this category are pesticides, plastics, and perfumes. I have written about the relationships of hormones with other phenolic compounds and SIBO. Let’s entertain an interesting theory about SIBO and sulfates…

Could SIBO Be An Adaptive Mechanism For Raising Sulfates?

SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) may, in some cases, be an adaptive mechanism for those who are severely sulfate deficient. In its production of hydrogen sulfide, the condition may be an attempt to compensate for low sulfates. This theory stemmed from earlier understanding that people on the autism spectrum were prone to other types of infections (clostridia species, in particular) that accomplished the same goal. Organic Acids Testing has shown people on the spectrum to have high levels of oxalic acid as well as more common infections of this species. As noted in my SIBO/estrogen article, the presence of estrogen dominance and/or toxicity may be accompanied by poor COMT function as well as poor CBS function. If sulfate supply is already low due to epigenetic stresses and genetic failures, B6 may also be low and glycoxalic acid conversion poor. The body may opt to colonize these hydrogen-producing bacteria in order to increase supplies of sulfates. Many SIBO sufferers realize that they cannot tolerate sulfur-containing foods and most plans recommend removing them from the diet. However, it is a paradoxical and counterintuitive scenario in which the body actually requires these foods for their sulfates.

Sulfates are absolutely necessary for healthy mucous membrane production in the GI tract. A comprehensive study showed detrimental effects upon the liver and the gut with loss of sulfates. Without a thick and sticky mucous membrane, healthy bacteria cannot thrive and fight against pathogens in the gut. Thus, in the considerations of contributing and adaptive factors as well as healing protocols for SIBO, sulfates may be a key component.

Production Of Oxalates By Fungus And Mold

Research has shown that mold species create oxalate deposition. The same is true of candida. Much of this research has helped to connect the dots with why individuals on the autism spectrum may suffer with high oxalates, low sulfates and poor methylation. While the claims are not along causative lines, they are most certainly along correlative lines. Testing for higher levels of oxalic acid and arabinose can help to pinpoint the therapeutic picture of mold and fungal illnesses alongside low sulfates in all individuals, including those with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). Fungus and mold also have negative impacts on hormone regulation.

Risks, Presets And Red Flag Symptoms For High Oxalate Deposition

Let’s summarize a few of the red flags one should be concerned with, as not everyone needs to limit foods with higher oxalates.

Risks and presets for poor removal include:

  • Kidney polymorphisms

  • Gallbladder disease, dysfunction and/or removal

  • Poor CBS pathway function and/or poor sulfur or methyl compound processing (includes foods as well as compounds such as NAC, B vitamins, MSM, SAMe, etc)

  • Over and under-methylation, depletion of B vitamins, especially B6

  • Genetic expression of hyperoxaluria type II

  • Dysbiosis, history of parasites, infections, mold poisoning and/or antibiotic use

  • History of leaky gut syndrome

  • History of kidney stones

  • Autoimmune disease, especially Raynaud’s syndrome

  • Pyroluria (you may read more about this here:

Some red-flag symptoms that may be cause for investigating oxalate consumption and sulfate depletion:

  • Pain, stiffness in joints

  • Sandy stools

  • IBS symptoms, including gas, diarrhea, constipation

  • SIBO

  • Inability to consume sulfur rich foods

  • Osteoporosis (poor calcium metabolism, including vitamin D deficiency, phosphorus levels, etc)

  • Fatty liver and/or excess cholesterol

  • consumption of foods sprayed with pesticides

Managing Oxalate Levels

Barring fungal or mold infections and their eradication, the two most critical steps to take with suspected oxalate deposition are to bind them with calcium and to reduce intake of foods high in oxalates. A small dose of calcium (preferably citrate) at each meal can prevent the absorption of oxalates and subsequent loss of sulfates. This is particularly important if consuming foods high in oxalates. When calcium is taken with foods that are high in oxalates, oxalic acid in the intestine combines with calcium to form insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that are eliminated in the stool. This form of oxalate cannot be absorbed into the body. When calcium is low in the diet, oxalic acid is soluble in the liquid portion of the contents of the intestine (called chyme) and is readily absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream (remember the Sat1 transporter dragging it from the colon into the bloodstream). Reducing or omitting those foods with the highest contents is also key. Harvard University is considered to have one of the most reliable lists of oxalate content in foods. You may access their files here: https://regepi.bwh.harvard.edu/health/Oxalate/files

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Other possible steps are to supplement with vitamins, resveratrol and molybdenum. Glyphosate is a known chelator of molybdenum. It is a common pesticide chemical, used in RoundUp and sprayed on GMO crops. Avoiding this chemical through organic eating is key to maintaining balance in the CBS pathway.

Vitamin C intake should be moderated with any suspicion of oxalate deposition, as it can exacerbate the issue, especially in the form of ascorbic acid.

Consider testing to determine your status of oxalate accumulation as well as sulfur metabolism.

Email me at Julie@truenaturehealthconsulting.com for more information on holistic health care and support. We offer holistic telehealth services.